24A Hollybrook Grove, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Tel. +353(0)1 8331167


It is intended that the Trust shall have the following main objectives:-

(a) To promote education in National Schools.

(b) To promote awareness of the twin pillars of the National School system:

(i) Equality of access for children of all creeds and religions to all schools in receipt of state funding or public monies.
(ii) The right to attend such a school without attending religious instruction at that school.

(c) To promote religious equality in state funded education.

(d) To promote the goals of the Stanley Letter

(i) Children of all denominations together in the same school
(ii) Separate religious instruction to allow children to attend the school without attending religious instruction in that school.

(e) To promote the constitutional rights in Article 44.2.4 of the Irish Constitution.

(i) Equality of access for children of all religions and none to all schools in receipt of state funding or public monies.
(ii) The right to attend such a school without attending religious instruction at that school.

(f) to carry out research into all aspects of education in Ireland and elsewhere in furtherance of improving the education system.

(g) To promote an awareness and understanding of the existing Constitutional and legal provisions relating to education, and to provide support, to both the public and those involved in the provision of educational services.

(h) To promote an awareness of the duty of care, under the Constitution and other legal provisions, of those involved in the provision of educational services.